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HONR 401 Seminar:Class Reflections

Twice during the Honors 401 Seminar class, Exploring Personal Leadership through Social Change, we were to write three class reflections that captured our thoughts on the various speakers and topics we discussed in class. I have put in my efolio the reflections that I wrote that had the greatest impact on me. These reflections cover topics such as the benefits of actively serving to create social change, the 7 C's of the social change model and how some of the guest speakers in class rated on that model, along with critiquing their leadership approach to social change, and views on how privilege can stand in the way of real empathy and change. I gained experience  in how to improve upon and rank my skills as  leader in how we critiqued leadership models and styles based on their pros and cons. Personally, I also reflected on how guest speakers ranked in their execution of the seven  C's of social change in their lectures, as well as reflecting on how my own values aligned with those of the speakers and specific topics on the power of service and privilege. In critiquing these leadership styles in the context of the class as a reflection, I was able to realize what it meant to be a leader through service and social change.

Helping, Fixing, Serving Reflection

7 C's of Social Change Reflection

Privilege Reflection Reflection

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